What Do You Know About Female Hair Transplant?

When it comes to hair transplants, men's transplants are more common than the women's are. This is perhaps because hair loss is more common in men than in women. Hair loss in a woman in many of our societies is an unattractive feature as opposed to baldness in a man. It is thus not surprising that women experiencing hair loss or baldness suffer from low esteem and embarrassment. Female hair transplant is, therefore, a welcome relief for many women.

Hair transplant procedures have come a long way since the 1970s. Today, new technology along with faster, improved surgical methods are making female hair transplant popular with many women. It is, however, necessary to point out that this type of treatment is not for all women experiencing hair loss. It is mainly recommended for women with female-pattern baldness, a genetic condition, also medically referred to as androgenic alopecia. Though this condition is also in men, the nature of balding between the two sexes is different. For women, hair loss tends to diffuse thinly (gradual hair loss that may lead to a "see through" scalp). This loss is limited in comparison to that experienced by a man, which is more extensive. Even then, the right female candidate has to have sufficient donor area from which to take the hair follicles. It is also worth noting that there are various causes for hair loss. They include iron deficiencies, thyroid abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, and even childbirth. However, the most common cause is hereditary.

Once it has been determined a woman is eligible for female hair transplant, the doctor proceeds to perform the procedure. He takes some strip of skin from the "donor site" (often this is the back of her scalp where there is a dense amount of hair). This strip is then redistributed to the various parts of the head, front and top where balding has occurred.


The transplant procedure may often be done more than once. Regrowth of hair in the grafted areas also takes time and hair does not necessarily grow back as it was originally. For women, however, due to their long hair, the scalp is covered with an even spread of natural hair within a few months.

Other treatments for hair loss include hormone treatment, flap surgery, scalp expansion, scalp reduction, and laser surgery. Non-surgical methods are also available. In general, costs of treating baldness do not come cheap. Hair transplant is an expensive procedure despite the advancements made. The sessions are labor intensive and require the expertise of a specialized surgeon or dermatologist.

In addition, very few hair transplant clinics (Dubaihairclub.com)  perform female hair transplant. Few of them advertise transplants for women. Nevertheless, women who suffer extensive hair loss welcome this procedure as the last opportunity to regain, in spite of all the odds, the dignity and pride that nature may have robbed them in the past.

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