Why Hair Loss Cause in Young Girls?

In order to counter hair loss in women, it is important to first know the causes of hair loss in the first place. This can help a person in fighting these issues to ensure that further hair loss does not take place. Let’s learn a little about these common female hair loss causes.

Female Pattern Baldness

This is the most common reason behind hair loss in females. Caused by a hereditary condition known as androgenic alopecia, hair mostly thin in a uniform manner. Certain areas may be affected more than others though. Complete hair loss from a part of the scalp is rare in women.


A lot of physical issues can arise during pregnancy. Hair loss is one of the names on the list. However, hair loss in women does not take place during pregnancy. It is only after the birth of the child that it happens. The hair lost due to pregnancy grow back after a while.

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Lack of Protein

Protein is the basic building block of the body and needs to be present in adequate amount in the diet to ensure that body functions well. Lack of protein can lead to hair loss and if the issue is not corrected, this hair loss can be fairly severe. A protein rich diet can help in countering this problem.

Alopecia Areata

It is an auto immune disease that has certain factors aiding it. In alopecia areata, bald patches of skin on the scalp and other parts of the body can appear. Areas affected by this condition cannot undergo hair transplant either since the hair may go through future loss due to the nature of this condition.

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